Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Feeling Better, and Loving Ecuador!

Well, I haven't written in such a long time that I'm not sure where to begin. First of all, I will share how my Thanksgiving went.... Patty and I cooked a huge amount of food for Thanksgiving including a turkey and stuffing, and we had 12 people over for it. But we ate it on Wednesday instead of Thursday, because Wednesday night I left for the beach with a bunch of young teachers from the school. We went from Wednesday til Sunday. It was BEAUTIFUL (see facebook pics!) and I loved it so much. Our hotel was right on the beach the closest I've ever stayed to the beach. And we just spent the days laying out in the sun and we went out on a boat pretty far for just $4 and they took us to this island which was beautiful, and let us jump out of the boat far out which we also loved doing. Then besides that, I went to the closest city with my host family because they were staying at the beach also near me. Overall, I enjoyed the trip SO MUCH! It was wonderful- hot, beautiful, good seafood, and just a great time.
Since then, I've just finished teaching which was also wonderful. Before Thanskgiving, my students and I practiced a Reader's Theatre for many days, and then performed it for the parents. It was sooo cute, and I loved doing it because it's something I've learned about doing in class, but the first time I actually saw it done in a classroom. I really enjoyed the class I worked with, and my students were so cute. But now I've finished my student teaching completely, and I said bye to the kids. They were so cute because they were so sad to let me go. I was sad too.
Since I'm done student teaching and started my missions' internship, I've moved out of Patty's house and into a house with another Ecuadorian family. This family pretty much only speaks Spanish. The husband knows a little English, but yea mostly Spanish, which I am excited about. Also, I will start taking Spanish lessons with a tutor starting tonight.
I know more of what I'll be doing now with this internship. Tomorrow and each Wednesday I will go to a women's prison to help lead a Bible study. Then I will also be helping out at an orphanage which is right down the road from my house. Also, I'll just be helping a lot Rich and Lisa (the missionaries here) get ready for the huge missions conference that's coming up.
I will spend Christmas...from Dec. 19-25 at the beach again. Rich and Lisa told me I can go with their family, along with the other 2 or 3 interns. They say it's the best way to spend Christmas away from home because when you're at the beach you don't even feel like you're missing Christmas. I'm happy we'll be going to the beach, because I already am getting homesick thinking about all that I'll be missing!
Since it is the last month, I keep thinking it is going to fly by, and I REALLY am going to miss it here and miss all the people I've met. I don't want my time here to end! Yet at the same time I obviously want to see everyone at home also. Well, I miss you all... hope everyone at home is doing well too! Thanks to EVERYONE for your prayers while I was sick...it really was a miserable time, but I'm so thankful to be better now, and eating whatever I want! :)

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