Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Still sick...

Well, I am still sick. I returned to the doctor yesterday, and she felt my stomach. It hurt SO bad for her to touch it. She said it is inflamed, which makes sense from all the parasites and bacteria. But she also says it will take a long time to get better, which makes me sad...I can´t eat normal foods, and I am still in pain everyday. Next week is Thanksgiving break and I want to go to the beach with some people, so I am praying I will be better! I´d hate to have to stay back because I´m in pain.
The other day I stayed after school for a teachers´chapel, which was incredible. We just sang a lot of worship songs, and I couldn´t help but cry. Some of them were about healing, and I am asking for God´s healing everyday. But, it´s just also amazing to be teaching in a Christian school, where the teachers pray so passionately for their students or for themselves to be able to help their students.
This week has been fun, as we are getting ready for our Thanksgiving Feast next week at the school. We will be having a feast (parents make the food) for all the maintenance workers at the school, and the kids all made thank you cards to them today. I´m really excited for it- but again, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO EAT THE FOOD! even if just a little...We will also be doing a little reader´s theater for the parents and another class. I´m really excited for it. The kids will dress up as pilgrims and Indians. We will also dress up for the feast (yes I have to dress up too). I´m also happy that even though I´m in Ecuador, I still will be having some sort of Thanksgiving.
To all of you who are praying for me, thank you so much! And God has answered my prayers, just that I may be able to be in the school. Because over the weekend, I felt like I would never make it in Monday, but I did. And thank God! Because that is why I am here. And usually it hurts most at night anyway, which obviously I want the pain to fully go away, but until then...I´m at least thankful and glad I can be teaching!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ready to be well again...

Okay, this has not been a pleasant week. I have been feeling sick for 10 days. But the first 6 days or so I could ignore it. I just felt stomach pains. However, now I can´t eat or drink without it hurting. I have been sick before, but honestly I don´t think I have ever been this sick. Wednesday was when the pain worsened, and I really noticed myself getting sick. I went to the doctor and he said I had parasites, but he told me to come back Thursday morning for a blood test and stool sample. Thursday, I ate a normal lunch, and later that night threw up. I still thought I would make it in to school the next morning, but I woke up to take my medicine with just a TINY bit of yogurt and water, and I threw up. So I stayed home.
I went to the doctor to get my test results, and the stool sample said I didn´t have parasites. But the blood test we couldn´t read. I just layed in bed all day in really terrible stomach pain, throwing up also if I even tried to drink water. Finally, at about 5pm we were able to talk to a doctor over the phone, who is a friend of the family´s from church. She could tell from my blood test that I have a bacteria infection. So she told us which medicines to buy (you don´t need a prescription here) and we bought them. However, I still had to wait to take them because I would throw them up. So I waited for a lady to come and give me a shot (in the butt) hahah.....for the vomiting. It´s amazing though....after that shot, I have not thrown up at all! Then I took my medicine and went to bed.
Saturday, I was feeling much better, glad that I was put on the ¨right¨ medicines finally. However, I was still running to the bathroom all day....not to throw up though....I still could not eat Saturday, just a tiny bit of soup and rice. Sunday morning, today, I woke up with stomach pains worse than ever in my life. I couldn´t even walk it hurt so bad. If I tried to walk, I would just bend over because of the pain. And I haven´t eaten anything but a tiny bit of soup today. I´m still running to the bathroom. The doctor came over again this morning. She felt my stomach, asked where it hurt, and told me that I must have parasites. She says there´s no way it could only be a bacteria infection. With the antibiotics, I wouldn´t have diahrrea or so much pain. So I must get tested again, because she says its not 100% accurate. You should usually get 3 tests. I was so glad to find out I didn´t have parasites! And now....I´m thinking again that I may. Today I took medicine for the parasites, as the doctor told me to. But still, I am in pain and can´t eat.
Well, that was a long story to tell, but I figure those of you who read this are wondering how I´m doing. I´ll keep you posted! And please pray that I get over this quickly so I can return to school, since that is the reason for me being here!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Well, I haven´t written here for a while...Last weekend, I went to Santo Domingo with my host family...which is in the jungle! I was loving all the banana trees, pineapple fields! and papaya trees. We walked around the farm for a while, and we went swimming in a river...aren´t you all jealous it was warm enough for me to swim!!! I had so much fun. I was also able to see everyone gathered at the cemetery for Day of the Dead, or Día de los difuntos. It was cool because I´ve learned about it so much in Spanish class.
Teaching at the school is going great. Now I´m teaching Bible, Reading, Grammar,Handwriting, and Math. And I´ll keep adding on as time goes on. I LOVE this school though. The atmosphere is COMPLETELY different than any I´ve experienced before. in such a good way! Having all Christian teachers who love their kids and want them to´s just great! Today we had parent-teacher conferences, and it was actually enjoyable to watch. The parents all really care about their kid´s education and want to help them in any way possible. Half of the parents spoke English, half Spanish, and one Korean dad had a translator to translate from Spanish to Korean. So I just thought that was all interesting. I love the diversity. Well, I´ll write more soon, but I´m going to meet with another girl who student teaches at a different school, but lives with a teacher at my school...soo ciao!